A Writer's Objectives

About Me

My name is Raina T. Black. I’m a 24 year-old writer. I’ve been making up stories since I could talk, and writing them since I gained the skill to do so. It’s taken a lot of work to get to the point I’m at, and I’m not even happy with where I am yet.

Someday, I’d like to get my writing published. Until then, I share some of my stuff with an online community called DeviantArt. I also have a novel I’ve been working on since I was 16 that I don’t share with many people, though that could change.

I am an Anthropology major, currently enrolled in an online college. I hope to some day be able to travel the world, or at least parts of it, with whatever degree I end up with at the end of my college career. My dream is to live in Ireland, publish some books, and get my hands dirty in whatever way I can as an Anthropologist. I am yet to decide which branch of Anthropology I want to follow.

When it comes to writing, my mind never stays on one track. I write short stories, poetry, novels and even fanfiction. The genres can be anything between fantasy fiction and creative non-fiction. I strive to make every piece of writing the best it can be, but am rarely satisfied with the results.

I guess that’s all I have to say about myself. If you want to know more, follow my blog closely. There’s a little bit of me in everything I write, and by the end you’ll know everything there is to know about me.

Comments on: "About Me" (7)

  1. Ramesh Mahananda said:

    Hi young woman,gud morning.I came across your blog.In fact,you are lucky to have achieved the writing talent.I appreciate you and your optimism.And I’d love to read your upcoming short-stories.Thanx <

  2. Thank you for your blog. I’ve nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. Check it out:

    I Am A Versatile Blogger Now, Awarded

  3. Hey, I guess you do it now, thats what I did. 🙂

  4. I dream of Ireland every day too… 😉 heh

    Just found your blog through a research for writing prompts, and a link to one of your Triple F on a writing prompt generator. I like the Triple F idea – I’ll join you..! 🙂 (saw your last post on it, seems you have a small team… but ha! now you have one more 😉 )


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